Wednesday, April 10, 2002

ON BEING TWO (April 2002)

Brandon's now two.  Not the terrible twos.  Rather, the curious twos.

He will still take an afternoon nap, but unless he's rocked to sleep, he'll entertain himself on the bed, fighting to stay awake.  One day he took his diaper off.  Last Monday he stood on the cabinet at the head of my bed, unscrewed a bulb in the light bridge and used it to smash the other.  I was close enough to hear the pop and him say, "Oh oh. Grandma!" as I rushed in.  He innocently looked at me and said, "I broked it."  After putting him in the rocker ("I rock myself, Grandma") while I vacuumed the shards, I reminded myself he can't be trusted to be out of sight.

Yesterday when I put him down and his thumb went into his mouth, I breathed a sigh since I knew he'd be asleep in moments.  Minutes later I heard him carrying on a whispering conversation with himself, and peeked into the room to see what he was doing.  Brandon was sitting in the bed, lotion everywhere.  The travel size container had been emptied onto his legs, hands and diaper.  The overflow was on the sheets and blanket.  When he saw me, he casually asked for a towel.  He was unashamed and eagerly set about cleaning up the mess.  When finished, Brandon announced "All done!" and held up his arms, indicating he was ready to be carried to the rocker where we went back and forth until he fell asleep.

Copyright ©2002  Kitty Park

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