Wednesday, June 20, 2007


This is Sophia’s first week out of school for the summer.  Dawn now drops her off here at 9:00 on her way to work.  Brandon will be out on the 7th.  It's going to be a long summer.

Sophia arrived as expected this morning.  It seems that she prefers to eat breakfast here.  Apparently my Pop-Tarts taste better than the ones at their house.

Sophia and Kelsi finally got together around 10:30.  They played together very well.  An occasional she-did-this or she-won't-let-me-play-with-that, but way better than a year ago.

Sherry fixed them lunch and when they were finished, we put water in their little wading pool.  Of course, after a few minutes of sitting and playing with the water toys, their imaginations went to work.  While Sherry and I sat nearby, the girls suddenly disappeared from eyesight.  Then they were back at the pool.  And then they were gone.  Sherry saw them go into her garage.  When Sherry asked what they were doing with the water, Sophia replied that they were drinking it.  (Sure they were!)  Instead they were filling glasses with water and dumping the contents on the potted flowers in the cozy seating area in the garage.  An area covered with several rugs.  Wet rugs now.

Once they tired of the water, the girls went into Sherry's condo.  When they didn't reappear quickly, Sherry went to check on them.  She was speechless at what she found.  The girls had taken a dining room chair, moved it to the kitchen and climbed up on the counter where they could now reach the kids' suntan lotion.  Sherry found white hand prints on the chair's wooden back and Kelsi was on the kitchen counter handing napkins to Sophia so she could wipe the lotion off the carpet, tile floor and chair.  We promised ourselves then that *if* we gave them permission to go in the house again, we'd check on them every two minutes.

When Brandon came home from school, Christian was already here and the boys played catch outdoors.  Then Brandon asked if they could play with the beanbag game.  Given permission, the boys took it into my unit to play.

I gave them a couple minutes and then went to check on their behavior.  Good boys!  They were in the kitchen and throwing the beanbags through the target which they'd placed in the laundry area.  So I went back to sit with Sherry while we watched the girls playing outdoors.  Then the girls asked permission to come in to get a toy to bring outdoors.  Good girls!  But almost immediately they came back out to say the boys were throwing the bean bags at the ceiling fan in the living room (which I'd set on high) and one had hit the fan blades.  And, well, you know what happened.

Sherry and I rushed in to find itsy-bitsy plastic balls the size of BBs scattered throughout the living room -- under chairs, on table tops and behind furniture.  Brandon was given the job of vacuuming them up.  *He* thought that was great fun and had a hard time not smiling.  Christian just tried to make himself very small.

It's a good thing the kids are still young.  We can forgive their lack of good judgment.  But they're not *stupid*.  Certainly the girls (especially Sophia) knew that climbing up on the kitchen counter to get the lotion was wrong.  And most definitely the boys (especially Brandon) knew that he was not playing with the toy in the way it was to be used.

Now Sherry and I will retrain the four of them in appropriate, acceptable behavior  As I said, I envision this is going to be a long summer.

Copyright ©2007  Kitty Park

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